Phone Number:
Email Address:
Confirm Email Address:
Location or Requested Mural: (City,State)
Business Name (If Applicable):
Dimensions of Wallspace (If Applicable):
Photo of Wallspace (If Applicable. JPEG, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG under 200KB):
What's your budget for this project? (I price my murals by size as well as detail involved. If you want a single character with minimal background then it's going to be cheaper then if you want the same size mural with a full composition and multiple characters interacting)
Single Character (Minimal Background)
$1,200 (100 sq. ft.)
$2,200 (200 sq. ft.)
$4,000 (400 sq. ft.)
$5,400 (600 sq. ft.)
$6,400 (800 sq. ft.)
$7,000 (1000 sq. ft.)
$7,500 (1200 sq. ft.)
$8,050 (1400 sq. ft.)
Custom Size Quote (Please add info in Description)
Multiple Character (Minimal Background)
$1,400 (100 sq. ft.)
$2,600 (200 sq. ft.)
$4,800 (400 sq. ft.)
$6,600 (600 sq. ft.)
$7,200 (800 sq. ft.)
$8,000 (1000 sq. ft.)
$8,700 (1200 sq. ft.)
$9,450 (1400 sq. ft.)
Custom Size Quote (Please add info in Description)
Multiple Character (Full Composition)
$7,200 (600 sq. ft.)
$8,000 (800 sq. ft.)
$9,000 (1000 sq. ft.)
$9,600 (1200 sq. ft.)
$10,000 (1400 sq. ft.)
Custom Size Quote (Please add info in Description)
If the mural is more then 30 miles from Richmond, Virginia then these extra expenses need to be taken into consideration when requesting a mural.
1) Cost of Flight, Train, Bus, Car, Gas, etc. to and from location of Mural.
2) Cost of Hotel, Airbnb, etc.
3) Cost of Per Diem (roughly $40 a day depending on the location)
4) Any cost of supplies that exceeds that of what it would cost to do a mural in Richmond, Virginia (ie. Lifts, Paint, Brushes, Rollers, etc.)
Brief Description: (I love painting murals and have a ton of ideas floating around in my head of things I'd like to do. If you have an idea of something you'd like to see me paint then let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate, however the murals that give the most artistic freedom will typically get priority)
The rights of all mural imagery are still owned by me. If you would like to take the image and use it as a logo, sticker, t-shirt design, skateboard design, etc. you must contact me so we can discuss leasing options.
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